Our Story

Together & Free was formed in 2018 by a national coalition of volunteers in response to the Trump Administration's Zero Tolerance Policy. We swiftly provided critical support to reunite families separated at the US border. As a trusted organization, we were among the first called upon by legal groups to assist families in need, offering emergency assistance to families and advocating against the intentional trauma inflicted upon them.

Since 2018, Together & Free has evolved into the primary case management provider for families separated under the Zero Tolerance Policy.  Our team of bilingual case managers has helped distribute over $1 million in direct assistance to over 1,000 families reunified under the Biden Administration's Family Reunification Task Force. 

We have expanded our work to also serve families impacted by other restrictive federal immigration policies. We serve as a crucial liaison between advocacy organizations and federal agencies, ensuring federal policies and litigation negotiations are responsive to families’ needs.

Together & Free remains agile, ready to promptly support families affected by federal immigration policies whenever and however their needs arise.