Policy & Advocacy

Since we work with vulnerable populations at the border we are able to help identify potential plaintiffs for federal litigation. We also work directly with DHS and CBP to improve existing systems and access for those who need it most.

Highlights of our advocacy efforts include:

  • We helped design and implement the original pilot program for reunifying families separated under the Zero Tolerance Policy.

  • We continue to advocate directly with federal agencies for stronger protections for returning families and consult on how best to implement and proceed with federal contracts that help reunifying families.

  • Most recently, Together & Free successfully advocated for the inclusion of separated families with U.S. citizen children in the Ms. L class settlement. We are now working to ensure that those parents are identified and given the opportunity to reunify with their children in the United States.

  • Coordinating with CRCL, CBP and DHS, we report back conditions at the border and propose solutions to mitigate difficult conditions that vulnerable populations face due to the asylum ban.